Researchers concluded that those who just barely qualified for a grant were able to get twice as much money within the next eight years as those who just missed out.
It was slow going at first, as Hurd found it difficult to recruit Masters and Midshipmen who were qualified for such technical work.
Four months after the twins were born, Margaret qualified as a barrister specializing in tax and patent law.
Moreover, our products were classified as qualified products by State Solar Water Heater Quality Supervision and Inspection Center.
Not only were qualified interpreters as scarce as hen's teeth, but the gap in mentality was a million miles wide.
We were evaluated by the magazine China Quality Supervision as a qualified enterprise of stable quality in national fiscal products in 2004.
被《中国质量技术监督》杂志评为:“ 2004年全国税控产品质量稳定合格企业”;
The qualities of images were classified as qualified and unqualified for evaluating lumen of coronary artery.
Meanwhile, the calculated deformation of the rear fork structure was applied as the welding pre-deformation to the actual production process, in which qualified products were produced.
She qualified as a barrister in 1953, the year in which her twins Mark and Carol were born.
同时她还投考律师公会,并于1953年成功取得讼务律师的资格。 同年,夫妇俩诞下了一对孪生兄妹,分别取名为马克和卡洛儿。
In the Chinese traditional society, operas were regarded as "straws", unimportant and inferior, and not qualified to enter the academic sphere.
In the Chinese traditional society, operas were regarded as "straws", unimportant and inferior, and not qualified to enter the academic sphere.