What markets need now is time to piece that information back together. Time before the next wave strikes.
And you know what is now restraining him so that he may be revealed when his time comes.
So I will abandon for now the orbits entirely What is power? Power is work that is done in a certain amount of time.
Now is the time to take advantage of the opportunities while giving consumers what they want.
It took time but it has been more than worth the effort: life is so much better now that I've created the time to do what I want to do.
When I am working explicilty as a host (which is my practice most of the time now) I am actively involved in what is going on.
Now is a good time to stop and ask what will give your work life meaning.
Ask yourself often: "What is the most constructive use of my time and effort now?"
What is different now, some literacy experts say, is that spending time on the Web, whether it is looking up something on Google or even britneyspears.org, entails some engagement with text.
Now if ever is the time for leadership, competence and integrity. What are the chances of getting them?
The one thing they have plenty of time for is arguing with each other, and Americans now pay far more attention to what they say.
What if the books will be converted to DITA eventually, but there is no time to do so now?
Now is simply not the time for us to be sidetracked from what we need to do right now to protect public health.
At what point do you say now is the time for unfettered cultural exchange?
It is an attempt to preserve what is now plainly the core business of the slimmed-down Time warner-and which also happens to be one of the most dependable rackets in media.
If you get it in your mind that the relationship is currently over. You can't go back in time, though you probably wish you could. Concentrate on what is going on now.
What is happening is that we have had an energy policy that neglected hydrocarbons in the United States for a long period of time, and now we are paying the price.
Now what we do is to record the number of those action potentials in some period of time, and plot them on the graph below.
They lived at roughly the same time - Grypania in what is now the northern United States, the new fossils in Gabon.
For starters, there were a series of truly enormous volcanic eruptions in what is now western India around the same time.
What now is the velocity at any moment in time?
The ministry also asked that the news media refrain from reporting or speculating on where Prince Harry is now, what time he would come home and what route he would take.
So what I'm saying now is it took a long time for this to solidify. And one of the things we think made it solidify was the development of codices,a codex.
So what I'm saying now is it took a long time for this to solidify. And one of the things we think made it solidify was the development of codices,a codex.