The first thing one noticed about him was the look of his large, wide-open eyes.
Sonya gazed with wide-open eyes at Natasha, as though unable to believe her ears.
She was lying prostrate, only able to see the outline of Shi Quan's face with wide-open eyes.
But Natasha was not asleep, her wide-open eyes gazed straight before her out of her pale face.
When Sue awoke the next morning she found Johnsy with dull, wide-open eyes staring at he drawn green shade.
The next morning, Sue awoke after an hour's sleep. She found Johnsy with wide-open eyes staring at the covered window.
Wang Jun's works create a certain kind of fable atmosphere like fairytales. The power of miracle grows prosperously in the images' wide-open eyes.
And then, without stirring, without even moving her head, she began to stare all about her with wide-open eyes and a joyous air, and she said nothing more.
Natasha kept uneasily looking round at every one with wide-open eyes, as though she wanted to intercept every glance turned upon her. She did her utmost to seem exactly as usual.
The mother should feel the same reverence for the unknown worlds in the wide-open eyes of her child, that she has for the worlds which like white blossoms are sprinkled over the blue orb of heaven;
A little round, stripy-blue fish slowly wiggled its way right in front of my face, with black wide-open eyes and naturally pursed mouth, as if he didn't notice there was a big monster watching him.
No longer could Edmond look into those wide-open eyes which had seemed to be penetrating the mysteries of death; no longer could he clasp the hand which had done so much to make his existence blessed.
When our ancestors drew humans, they would often draw them as stick figures, but if they drew a face, then the eyes were almost always very prominent—very open and wide.
Brigida had silently watched the proceedings, and could not open her eyes wide enough when she saw the enormous sausage.
He has such round blue eyes and they are so wide open with looking about.
Eliza listened carefully, with her eyes and mouth wide open.
Eyes wide open, all of us were too surprised to say a word.
Then she turned and ran outside to play, leaving me eyes wide and mouth open.
A collection of gems which lay forgotten in a bank vault for 30 years has been unearthed, leaving people's eyes wide open.
Our eyes are wide open to the realities, the formidable challenges, the inevitable threats, and the fragility of progress.
The edge must slice his thumb because his hand flies to his mouth, and he's sucking hard, eyes wide open.
Let my joy take its birth and clap its hands and dance with the surging songs, and make the morning open its eyes wide in sweet amazement.
Shandy stopped, looked at him as though he was mad andthen, grudgingly, sat, mouth open, panting, eyes wide with excitement.
Yes, soldiers took her out and came back with her head on a big plate, her eyes were wide open.
Cosette walked along gravely, with her large eyes wide open, and gazing at the sky.
My eyes wide opening, I pulled open the mosquito net and tried to find you in the stark darkness.
Only fools would venture into such a forest with anything less than their eyes wide open and their brains fully engaged.
Only fools would venture into such a forest with anything less than their eyes wide open and their brains fully engaged.