The rise of the Elizabethans two centuries later was attributable to the widespread use of sheep manure.
The widespread use of debit CARDS hasn't helped, either.
We expect to see widespread use of such processes someday.
But he has some reservations about the widespread use of drones.
A second is the widespread use of insecticide-treated mosquito nets.
That led to the widespread use of the Sharpe ratio as a measurement tool.
This was largely due to the widespread use of advanced color copying and printing machines.
One of the first specs to come out of the widespread use of XML was the XSL (see Resources).
The target was achieved on time and the widespread use of MDT reduced the disease burden dramatically.
Ms Merkel previously defended the industry as a necessary bridge to more widespread use of renewable energy.
It is imperative that something urgent be done to combat the widespread use of illegal drugs among teenagers.
John Oxford, Britain's leading flu expert, backed widespread use of the drug and said it was as safe as aspirin.
One is the widespread use of technology, which might be expected to favour those workers who are able to exploit it.
Israel makes widespread use of low-volume irrigation such as drip-feed and micro-sprinklers, which is expensive.
A previous example of the widespread use of fiscal-austerity programmes was during the Asian crisis of the late 1990s.
The widespread use of Adobe Systems Inc. 's Flash software to play videos online offers another opportunity to track people.
广泛使用的Adobe System公司的Flash软件可拿来在网上播放视频,却也提供了另一种追踪人的机会。
Widespread use of the megaphone started in the 1900's and the famous pom pon was introduced in the 1950's by Lawrence Herkimer.
The widespread use of Ant in these projects has naturally led to an increased need for a set of well-established best practices.
The widespread use of English around the world gives London an edge over Frankfurt, Paris or Milan as Europe's main financial centre.
Similarly, the Brazilian transportation sector is low - carbon in comparison to other countries, due to the widespread use of ethanol.
And the widespread use of ultrasonic scanning means that, increasingly often, twins are spotted in early scans and subsequently vanish.
His widespread use of tax credits might also give workers less incentive to earn more, since that would cost them some of their credit.
It was the widespread use of the printing press that changed all that. The nature of words began to acquire an (apparently) settled meaning.
In this article, I have discussed the true potential of Web services as a widespread use of low cost e-business dialogues to conduct real business.
What has turned the lowly four-banger into such a ready replacement for its bigger brethren is the widespread use of turbo-charging and direct fuel injection.
But Steer says widespread use of "climate-smart" farming techniques, such as low tillage, could help soil to absorb 13% of greenhouse gas emissions each year.
Opinion polls show most Germans dislike nuclear energy. Ms Merkel previously defended the industry as a necessary bridge to more widespread use of renewable energy.
The widespread use of DWARF also increases the portability of software for developers of compilers and other debugging tools between AIX and other operating systems.
DWARF 的广泛使用还会提高编译器和其他调试工具在AIX 和其他操作系统之间的可移植性。
This suggests, say the researchers, that widespread use of probiotics by pregnant and breastfeeding women might be worthwhile for curbing rates of childhood eczema.
This suggests, say the researchers, that widespread use of probiotics by pregnant and breastfeeding women might be worthwhile for curbing rates of childhood eczema.