He's quite willing to pay the price I ask.
They can then calculate how big a premium people are willing to pay in one attribute (price) to get what they want in another (a larger screen).
The companies are starting to recognize, though, that at least some consumers in China are willing to pay for legitimate products at the right price.
One answer is that the danger is reflected in the price small investors are willing to pay for their shares.
The generalists are willing to pay this price because they are confident that when the inflationary pressures dissipate, they will be able to regain control.
The actual price is determined bysupply and demand, or what investors are willing to pay.
The debt that is available is no longer "covenant lite", and is likely to be forthcoming only for buyers who are willing to pay a large chunk of the purchase price with their own equity.
Acer expects to sell models at different price increments, Mr. Agnihotry said, noting that customers are willing to pay more for features beyond what xp offers.
The price an investor is willing to pay for an option depends on a number of factors including interest rates and the relationship between the market price and the exercise price.
They have been willing to pay a higher price (as measured by implied volatility) for extreme out-of-the-money options than for contracts that insure against smaller market declines.
Those abnormal people, when seeing the beautiful ladies abusing animals, would feel extraordinarily thrilled as if taking drugs. Therefore, they were willing to pay a high price for the video.
"Closing a door on an option is experienced as a loss, and people are willing to pay a price to avoid the emotion of loss," Dr. Ariely says.
What customer is willing to pay the price of a luxury sedan for a Spartan vehicle whose operating radius barely extends beyond the range of commuter trains?
Goals come with an expensive tag - and there have never been any shortage of takers willing to pay the price for Bent.
Price the product too high and inventories mount; under price what the market is willing to pay and shortages occur and money is left on the table.
To maximise his share of the economic surplus, a merchant wants to sell to each customer at a price as close as possible to the most that client would be willing to pay.
Only through face-to-face talks can trust and confidence be built, problems solved, and decisions made by each side on what price it is willing to pay for an agreement.
In particular, companies create what is known as "consumer surplus" -the difference between the market price and what a consumer would be willing to pay.
Those who are particularly keen to get their hands on a copy of a new book, for instance, may be willing to pay a higher price for it, which may explain the persistence of expensive hardbacks.
Of course, as long as we are willing to pay the price.
Well, the best I can do is to lower the price by 5 percent if you are willing to pay 90% cash of front and 10% on delivery.
And so, the mystery of the Skype deal: why were the winning bidders willing to pay so a high price for a company whose very existence could be threatened by this lawsuit?
Customers define at which price per hour they are willing to pay for Spot instances, and as long as the Spot price remains below the customer's threshold, the Spot instances execute.
The auction was a flop . Nobody came forward willing to pay Mikel Barsa's starting price of 2 million Argentine pesos, about $480, 000.
"Everyone is willing to pay a different price for a different service, " he said.
"Everyone is willing to pay a different price for a different service, " he said.