Usage: suitable for automatic wire winding of even number slot motor with hook commutator rotor.
Usage: suitable for wire winding of odd number slot motor rotor.
Usage: suitable for even number slot motor wire winding.
Based on the principle that an equivalent full-pitch, concentrated winding gives the same fundamental MMF as the actual one, the effective number of turns of the equivalent winding is obtained.
Then the selections of phase number, winding connection, pole number and number of branches in parallel are optimized according to the SRM's symmetry and order of force wave.
接着从对称性、力波阶数等角度研究了SR 电机相数及绕组连接方式、极数、并联支路数的选择问题。
Product input and output voltage level is based on, join groups, adjust the number of taps, winding single-phase capacity allocation, and secondary windings, the use of purification circuit.
From the relations, it is concluded that pole-number selection of windings not only determines direction of electrical energy transfer for levitation force winding, but also does its excitation modes.
Therefore, the direct winding device can effectively carry out direct winding, achieves high working efficiency and leads exact number of turns.
The method further includes: increasing the number of turns for the shield winding;
The proof method used in this paper is based on two-dimension slot-number phase diagram, unit winding, and the maximum common divided principles.
Usage: suitable for automatic wire winding of even number slot micro motor rotors.
On conditioning that the motor has high pole number and low speed, the contradiction of slots and pole combination is improved by concentrated fractional slot winding.
1970 - "the Long and Winding Road" becomes the Beatles' last Number 1 song.
1970 - "the Long and Winding Road" becomes the Beatles' last Number 1 song.