From there, shaking a window makes all others minimize, and shaking it again brings them back up.
Win + Home: Minimize all the non-active background Windows, keeping the window you're using in its current position. (Press win + Home again to restore the Windows to their original locations.)
Win +Home最小化所有非活动的背景窗口,但保留当前程序床的原始位置,再按一次恢复这些窗口到原始位置。
Win + Home: Minimize all the non-active background Windows, keeping the window you're using in its current position. (Press win + Home again to restore the Windows to their original locations.)
Win +Home最小化所有非活动的背景窗口,但保留当前程序床的原始位置,再按一次恢复这些窗口到原始位置。