If you live in a climate with a cold winter, it's quite common to be drawn to comfort foods during the dark, cold days only to find in April that you've gained 10-15 pounds.
如果你处在冬季寒冷的气候,以美食慰藉度过寒夜是常事,在四月时你才发现体重已经长了10 - 15磅。
New Zealand has a temperate climate, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.
We plan to go on vacation during the cold winter months to a warmer climate and purchase a new home on a golf course.
The cold oceanic climate and long winter nights may also have something to do with it.
The climate in the northeast of China can be pretty cold in winter.
On the whole, the climate here is quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.
Belonged to the warm temperate zone continental monsoon climate, four seasons, dry and windy spring, hot summer and rainy, cool quickly in the fall, winter cold and less snow.
What's the climate like? Pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in the winter.
China is a famous area for its monsoonal climate in the world. In most places of China, winter is cold and dry, while summer is hot and wet.
The complex climate complicate the research in the hot summer and cold winter region, while it urges analyzing of building energy consumption and, what's more, makes it more important.
In this part, the climate flexibility design strategy in hot summer and cold winter area is summarized.
Especially when construction in winter, climate specially cold, outside the temperature below zero degree Celsius, the new constructed fire proofing coating is all easy to ruin by freezing.
Based on the building humid climate feature for the hot summer and cold winter region, monthly mean relative humidity is used as the basic quota.
Beijing'stemperate continental climate produces four clearly contrasted seasons:a short spring, rainy and humid summer, long and cold winter, and avery pleasant autumn.
Chongqing is a typical mountain city which has hot summer and cold or wet winter, and has unique climate and environment.
Four distinct seasons, sunny, no cold winter and summer without the heat, mild climate, scenery and pleasant, is the summer tourist destination.
The climate in this region is dry, cold in winter and cool in summer, strong solar radiation, and thin air.
In the whole Last glacial, the winter monsoon was much powerful, even in MIS3 stage, the climate was still dry and cold.
It consists of two principal islands. New Zealand has a temperate climate, neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer.
The operators of cooling towers always suffer freezing problems during winter in the cold climate area, much troubles are brought on endangering the safety service and normal maintenance.
The operators of cooling towers always suffer freezing problems during winter in the cold climate area, much troubles are brought on endangering the safety service and normal maintenance.