To improve the automatization of WEDM (Wire Cut Electric Discharge Machining) and to real-time control WEDM pulse power supply, a WEDM pulse power supply based on ISA bus is put forward.
为了提高电火花加工自动化和智能化程度,更方便地实现电火花加工脉冲电源的实时控制,在现有的脉冲电源基础上开发了一种基于IS A总线的电火花脉冲电源。
To improve the automatization of WEDM (Wire Cut Electric Discharge Machining) and to real-time control WEDM pulse power supply, a WEDM pulse power supply based on ISA bus is put forward.
为了提高电火花加工自动化和智能化程度,更方便地实现电火花加工脉冲电源的实时控制,在现有的脉冲电源基础上开发了一种基于IS A总线的电火花脉冲电源。