Point the camera at a white background, and observe this phenomenon with a magnifying glass.
But now, he is ants, and people with a magnifying glass is me.
The point is to examine each fearful belief with a magnifying glass.
On sunny days I manage to light a fire with a magnifying glass and paper.
Maybe so, but you can't incinerate a Bengal tiger with a magnifying glass.
God is a mean kid sitting on an anthill with a magnifying glass, and I'm the ant.
With a magnifying glass, you can see structural details of the leaf and its veins.
Even with a magnifying glass I couldn't discern any imperfections in the porcelain.
Small pores, visible with a magnifying glass, channel the blast into mazes of micro-chambers.
With a magnifying glass, the rays of the sun can be focused to set grass or paper on fire.
But if you concentrate that same light's energy by focusing it with a magnifying glass, it can set paper on fire.
To do a close reading, you choose a specific passage and analyze it in fine detail, as if with a magnifying glass.
Another soldier testified: "You feel like a stupid little kid with a magnifying glass looking at ants, burning them."
Observed with a magnifying glass in the glaze, the middle of these bubbles in the glaze layer was sparse Star-like, big like l'etoile.
If you caught your son burning ants with a magnifying glass, would it bother you less than if you found him torturing a mouse with a soldering iron?
A known reading table or desk is not provided with a magnifying glass, so that the reading is very inconvenient and laborsome for a person with poor eyesight.
But ever finer control of the temperature gradient around the seed is eliminating the telltale imperfections that jewelers could once detect with a magnifying glass.
To the naked eye, the symbols are hard to distinguish, but with a magnifying glass you can see the letters LV behind the right pupil (the left when watching the painting).
Looking through a magnifying glass, Hanley focussed on the most legible fingerprint, which appeared to be covered with a clear finishing coat, like a varnish.
Just as you steady a magnifying glass on a single object, with the hot burning sun rays analogous to your desire, focus, power, energy, time, etc, you will make an impact.
YOU might think that Clay Johnson, a campaigner for transparency, would be pleased to see a ferret, with a deerstalker hat and magnifying glass, pop up on his screen.
您可能认为克雷·约翰逊(Clay Johnson)——透明度活动家——会乐于看到自己的屏幕上弹出一只戴着猎鹿帽、拿着放大镜的雪貂。
Unique wall clock designed by Rafael Morgan shows time with the help of a magnifying glass.
Take with you the pamphlets. some paper a magnifying glass and some pencils.
I can concentrate with the intensity of a beam of sunshine focused through a magnifying glass [n].
Three years later, a British magazine ran short stories that featured the brilliant detective with his pipe, magnifying glass and hat.
Once finished, each dial undergoes careful examination of its appearance under a magnifying glass, as well as technical testing to ensure it complies with all the predefined dimensions.
The specimen with different direction, with the field or a magnifying glass to see a group of parallel dark and straight line or a line or plane appears on the cleavage plane until it is twin.
Some of the images can be enlarged with the installation of the glasses, or hand-held magnifying glass, binoculars, a special TV, all of which were applicable AIDS equipment.
Some of the images can be enlarged with the installation of the glasses, or hand-held magnifying glass, binoculars, a special TV, all of which were applicable AIDS equipment.