Can I withdraw cash in advance?
You could withdraw cash from ATM with your credit card.
You can also withdraw cash from a cashpoint machine with a cashcard.
Everywhere you go, you can go to a branch bank, draw the cheque, endorse it and you can withdraw cash.
Bank Teller: it's a card that allows you to withdraw cash from any one of ATMS without any extra change.
That means it may only be a matter of time before mobile phones are used to deposit, transfer and withdraw cash.
Credit card allows you to withdraw cash at any ATM machine around the world, rent a car, make purchases, book reservations.
As well as allowing payment for goods and services, most card accounts now let you withdraw cash from ATMs and pay by check.
You can also send money to other people, who will be sent a text message containing a special code that can be taken to an agent to withdraw cash.
A company can open only one basic account, you can withdraw cash from the basic account, but there are always some limits on number of times and amount.
"She didn't have enough money to pay the bill, so her friend stayed behind as a human deposit while she went to withdraw cash," said a spokesman for police.
A current account is very convenient though without interest. It's safe and fast. You can withdraw cash nationwide. You don't have to travel extensively with cash.
A Little World, an Indian firm, has combined several pieces of technology to create a "branchless microbanking system" to allow people in remote areas to withdraw cash.
小小世界(a Little World)是印度的一家公司,它结合了几项技术创造了一个“无分支微型银行系统”(branchless microbanking system),让人们在很远的地方都可以进行取款。
There are similar charges if you want to cash a cheque or withdraw money at a branch other than your own.
You'll only realize when you later go to a cash machine to withdraw some money, then discover that every penny in your account has been cleared out.
Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time.
As Argentina battled to avoid default in 2001, citizens were restricted in the amount of cash they could withdraw from their bank accounts.
You can withdraw money by visiting another agent, who checks that you have sufficient funds before debiting your account and handing over the cash.
This would enhance its ability to withdraw excess cash from the financial system.
The best way to access cash is to use your debit card to withdraw money from bank machines along the way (bonus travel tip: don't ask for an 'ATM' abroad, ask for a 'bank machine').
In a panic, individual depositors have an incentive to withdraw their cash, even if collectively they (and the bank) might be better off if they held fast.
In a panic, individual depositors have an incentive to withdraw their cash, even if collectively they (and the bank) might be better off if they held fast.