Moreover, We found that the relaxation time of H2TPP with donating electron group is about 7 times faster than that with withdrawing electron group.
The electron withdrawing group (F) being introduced into the alkyl groups of then-hexyl ZDDP is able to strengthen chemical adsorption between ZDDP and Fe atoms.
The dinitrobenzene with electron-withdrawing group can be hydrogenated much easier than the dinitrobenzene with electron-donating group.
Due to the strong electron-withdrawing property of CF3 - group the substitution of ortho-chloro shows a higher probability, implying the in-principle feasibility of the reaction.
由于此物质中CF 3具有强吸电子能力,所以其邻位的氯更易被取代,这就说明此反应理论上是能够发生的。
Due to the strong electron-withdrawing property of CF3 - group the substitution of ortho-chloro shows a higher probability, implying the in-principle feasibility of the reaction.
由于此物质中CF 3具有强吸电子能力,所以其邻位的氯更易被取代,这就说明此反应理论上是能够发生的。