Members estimated 10-20% of the 70,000 factories in Guangdong province had closed in the past year, and expected a similar number to close within the next two years.
据受访者估计,在过去的一年里,广东约7万家工厂中有10- 20%关闭,预计在今后的两年中,还有同样数目的工厂关闭。
Members estimated 10-20% of the 70, 000 factories in Guangdong province had closed in the past year, and expected a similar number to close within the next two years.
据受访者估计,在过去的一年里,广东约7万家工厂中有10- 20%关闭,预计在今后的两年中,还有同样数目的工厂关闭。
Guangzhou Library Genealogy Reference Centre currently has a total of 8,000 volumes relating to genealogical research within the city of Guangzhou and Guangdong Province.
Article 2: These Regulations shall govern electronic transactions within the administrative territory of Guangdong Province.
Article 2: These Regulations shall govern electronic transactions within the administrative territory of Guangdong Province.