While you need to employ both to get to a finished result, they cannot work in parallel no matter how much we might like to think so.
Contributors work in parallel.
The revised policy and action plan work in parallel.
A large project has several teams that work in parallel.
Underneath this interface lurk two vision systems that work in parallel.
In this case, the client side team can work in parallel with the server side development team.
MapReduce is intended for large clusters of systems that can work in parallel on a large dataset.
DPF enables data to be added more quickly because each database partition can process the work in parallel.
This part of the meeting usually goes quickly as team members work in parallel to build a shared picture.
Ensure that messaging applications are designed to work in parallel with each other and with multiple instances of applications.
As a result, computing resources associated with multiple partitions can work in parallel to satisfy the original user request.
When the DB2 optimizer forms a query access plan for a query, it divides the work among the database partitions which work in parallel.
当DB 2优化器为一个查询形成查询访问计划时,它将工作划分到多个数据库分区上,这些数据库分区是并行工作的。
Engineers can check in and check out team assets, see what activities have been assigned to them, and easily work in parallel with other team members.
工程师通过检入(checkin)和检出(check out)清楚地看到他们曾经执行的工作,并且可以轻松地与其他团队成员并行工作。
Microwulf is considered a Beowulf cluster, a group of networked computers that run open source software and work in parallel to solve a single problem.
This concept was also crucial in the development of the assembly line at Ford Motor Company: many workers can work in parallel on rather simple tasks.
The short-term component will work in parallel with the social protection component of the Food Price Crisis Response under the Global Food Response Program.
Reducing the total runtime means that the user gets the result sooner - even if it takes more total CPU cycles to do the work in parallel than it does sequentially.
The outgoing routes for the Case Setup step are marked as "all true conditions" to enforce the requirement that the engineering lead and research lead work in parallel.
CaseSetup步骤的传出路径(outgoing route)被标记为 “alltrueconditions”,以便满足以下要求:工程主管和研究主管必须同时工作。
The incident, of course, also shows that while many people have become dependent on Web-based services like Gmail, many alternative forms of communication have cropped up that work in parallel.
If your server still has a lot of free CPU cycle, the method you want to try first will be vertical scaling, which multiple server cluster members work in parallel to process the incoming messages.
The notion of parallel worlds is inherent in your work, with dual story strands and different incarnations of certain characters.
This allows for parallel development where each project team assigns and tracks work for satisfying the request in the context of its own project.
Team work: the structural aspect of architecture allows for the assignment of tasks to teams that can work both in parallel and physically separated from each other.
Defining a strict sequence, as in a waterfall model, is just as much a process as defining a semi-ordered sequence of iterations in parallel work.
A very straightforward approach for working in parallel is to work on a branch until the baseline is stable.
Also, the response time of complex analytical queries can be reduced by spreading the data across multiple database partitions, such that all partitions work on their assigned data in parallel.
Breaking a model into subunits or fragments allows a project team to work on and develop a model in parallel.
The LPGC provides garbage collection in parallel to the JVM's work.
By looking at the process and understanding how the work is done, you might determine that a sequence of steps could be done in parallel, as in section 1.8.
By looking at the process and understanding how the work is done, you might determine that a sequence of steps could be done in parallel, as in section 1.8.