He would rather be a plumber's mate and do a real job that requires doing than learning about hydrostatics sitting at a desk, without understanding what practical use they are going to be.
Most people would rather stay up late than get up early to finish their work, which definitely would do harm to their heath.
Frank didn't understand why Jack would rather do artistic things than play ball.
If it's true that we would rather initiate change than have it thrust upon us, then why do we not do it more often?
They would rather lose - because they're sort of screwing around than - they could put out their best game and they would do better, but they might lose anyone given its, sort of, randomness.
This may seem to support the theory that Britain would do better to concentrate on supplying services rather than on making things.
If for some reason you needed to get rid of the file, the intelligent thing to do would be to stop the process, rather than just deleting the file.
But rather than us taking care of her, it would be better for relatives or friends to do so, to have the released prisoner live nearby, and keep her company and give her support.
In addition, PC games are relatively easy to pirate and download for free, so many teenagers would do this rather than buy a game.
It has proven harmful to children's learning since the child would rather watch TV than do his homework.
Rather than fear the stateless corporation, people would be wise to do all they can to make them feel at home in their country.
On the other hand, 30% of American survey said they would rather read a book than do anything else, 21% said watching TV is their favorite activity, that's the good news.
This would do little to bolster exports, which have been hurt by weak external demand rather than declining competitiveness, but would hinder the necessary economic adjustment.
Rather than working out how to skewer Mr Cameron, European leaders would do better thinking what they can offer him that might get him off the hook with his more rabid backbenchers.
Most problems don't have a solution, the conservatives maintained; rather than attempting Promethean feats, man would do best to find a balanced place in the world.
So rather than sacrificing or compromising, I think it's a lot around prioritizing and then being able to say: "this would be nice to do, but I can't do it right now".
For people considering translation as a living, my first question would be, do you enjoy writing (preferably editing, rather than direct authorship)?
Rather than searching for happiness in productivity or an ever increasing income, we would do well to learn to find satisfaction in the present moment.
He also said that at a time when the world desperately needs a pro-growth strategy - closing down, rather than opening up markets - would be the worst possible thing to do.
One way to do this would be to target a price level, rather than an inflation rate.
We would rather have no help at all than continue to do that.
Would you rather complain than do anything about it?
He also suggests people would do better eating a breakfast of two medium-sized eggs rather than one large one.
I would rather do some reading at home than go shopping with them.
Would rather do regret for themselves, rather than for himself didn't do regret.
And if they are doing it, they must feel pretty bad because the majority of people would rather do something out of love than for the money.
I would do anything rather than let her get hurt.
I would do anything rather than let her get hurt.