As Frank reports, I have in the last year written around 2000 pages, and I suppose some of that, which seems to be fairly novel, might qualify.
When the bombs went off in London last year, I thought about Yeats and what he might have thought or written about this.
Disney announced last year that a fourth English-language film in the series was being written, featuring none of the original characters.
Note that the last entry in s: timestamps is a particularly useful example: it automatically updates the year-range of any embedded copyright notices, whenever a file containing them is written.
Written in red felt-tip pen and affixed to a door, they are among the last words of a 14-year-old Japanese schoolgirl, who took her life on April 23rd.
Written in red felt-tip pen and affixed to a door, they are among the last words of a 14-year-old Japanese schoolgirl, who took her life on April 23rd.