He commented wryly that he was not clear about others.
"Don't worry - I don't understand any of it," I said wryly.
She studied him for the longest time, looking wryly amused.
" my single co-worker asked wryly."The Let's Just Be Friends virus?
The word "addiction" is often used loosely and wryly in conversation.
It is wryly relevant today - though not in the way Murphy might have thought.
It's the same, he added wryly, for the English. "Not only the Germans have a past.
“Having a radio-transmitting chip under your skin makes you very unique,” he says wryly.
He sometimes fires people for simply not doing a good job, “unheard-of in government service,” he wryly notes.
Apple responded wryly by printing the message "Don't steal music" on a plastic sticker placed on all new iPods.
In January, the vote in favour of trying the field method was "as enthusiastic as you could get from a faculty," says Mr Nohria, wryly.
A visiting Danish journalist said wryly, while sipping a bâja pilluarit (celebration beer), “psychologically, the state is my father, you know?”
"Cousin Lizzy, " as Fallon wryly calls her, was accused (and controversially acquitted) of killing her father and stepmother with an ax in Fall River, Mass., in 1882.
Had an American company won Aynak, some Afghans noted wryly, critics inevitably would have accused the United States of waging war to seize the country's mineral wealth.
Upon meeting him again and reporting that I couldn't remember a thing about our conversation except for the weird effects we had both experienced, he replied wryly: Maybe it's just as well.
As Dmitry Kamenshchik, owner of Moscow's Domodedovo airport (now being eyed by state-backed competitors), says wryly: "Like anyone else I don't know whether I will be sent to prison or not."
On a visit 150 years ago Mark Twain wrote wryly of the three-millennia-old city: “She has looked upon the dry bones of a thousand empires, and will see the tombs of a thousand more before she dies.”
150年前马克.吐温(MarkTwain )访问大马士革时幽默的评论这座三千年的古城:“她已经见识了一千个帝国的枯骨,而在她消亡之前,它会再看到另外一千个帝国的坟墓。”
On a visit 150 years ago Mark Twain wrote wryly of the three-millennia-old city: “She has looked upon the dry bones of a thousand empires, and will see the tombs of a thousand more before she dies.”
150年前马克.吐温(MarkTwain )访问大马士革时幽默的评论这座三千年的古城:“她已经见识了一千个帝国的枯骨,而在她消亡之前,它会再看到另外一千个帝国的坟墓。”