Methods: 120 patients of hypertension with Yin Deficiency and Yang Excess Syndrome, aged 18. to 65, were enrolled from the clinic of ChengDu university of TCM.
方法:从成都中医药大学心内科门诊及住院部收集120例高血压病例,中医辨证阴虚阳亢型,年龄18 - 65岁之间。
The results showed that the frequency of syndromes distribution in perimenopausal syndrome were Yin deficiency and Yang excess, liver Qi depression, Yin-yang deficiency in order(P<0.01).
Conclusions: Heat syndrome exist in coronary heart disease and is preponderant. It is concluded that Yin deficiency leading to excess of Yang is the one of the basis of this disease.
Conclusions: Heat syndrome exist in coronary heart disease and is preponderant. It is concluded that Yin deficiency leading to excess of Yang is the one of the basis of this disease.