Inter! Do you feel so Good in the East Meazza?
Who knew eating sensibly could make you feel so good?
You feel so good on the court, you trust every shot.
It came to me because you feel so good, smooth and soft and all firm and strong underneath.
Counseling is to make you feel so good about yourself that you feel you were climbing up onto the sky.
心理咨询就是使人对自我感觉良好,尤如登天一样。 ------岳晓东。
So, this news should make you feel good and reinforce your dedication and involvement.
Bread is high in carbohydrates and bacon is full of protein, which breaks down into amino acids. Your body needs these amino acids, so eating them will make you feel good.
Come running with us through the sunny forest, you will feel so good!
So today you could save taxes and feel good about it, then you could save your soul and help out a few starving friars as well.
Set small goals so that you feel good and get a confidence boost when you reach a milestone.
What the new habit is that you substitute isn't so important as whether you feel good about the choices you have made.
You know your body so of course it's going to feel good.
I think it's more of a psychological feel-good factor - Since you are up before 99.99% of the world, you want to maintain the lead, so that spurs you on to work fast.
And the way that you get an identity, and you feel good about yourself in a traditional culture is you follow those rules. So it's performance-oriented, achieve-oriented.
You want to feel your prosperity. And so, even if it's only 20 or 50 or if it's a 1000 or 10.000 that you have in your pocket, utilize it effectively to help you notice how good things are now.
(SWEET!) Plus it's a naturally soluble fiber, which is always good. So next time you feel all snacky, grab whichever apple looks best to you (we love Fujis!).
I guess I posted these sorts of statuses to feel good when 20 of my 9,000 or so followers would say "hope you feel better".
It can be so easy to get drawn into this and feel the not good enoughs when it comes to home, especially if you throw in magazine reading and even blog reading.
After that, good rapport is critical, so choose a therapist with whom you feel comfortable and at ease.
Feel good about what you have achieved so far, your ability to face the future with confidence and purpose.
Because the short term experience is so good that you feel a big pain if you don't have it.
And so you don't feel so good about yourself once again.
You have been so good to me I feel I could burst with gratitude.
"Coffee makes us feel so good because it is able to tap into virtually every reward system our brain has evolved," Wenk writes.When it comes down to it, coffee certainly isn't going to kill you.
"Coffee makes us feel so good because it is able to tap into virtually every reward system our brain has evolved," Wenk writes. When it comes down to it, coffee certainly isn't going to kill you.
Paying others compliments not only makes them feel good about themselves, but will also make you feel good for doing so.
So many people need you to behave in a certain way for them to feel good.
So many people need you to behave in a certain way for them to feel good.