You take the open road, and I'll cross the log bridge — you go your way, and I'll go mine.
It's the time that you go your way.
You go your way, I go my way, it was whatever.
Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further.
It helps if you go out of your way to cultivate the local people.
Carrot, a to-do-list app, is a task manager with a personality. When you succeed in finishing your tasks, for example, Carrot praises you with a message such as "Way to go".
待办事项列表应用Carrot是一款颇具个性的任务管理软件。例如,当你成功完成任务时,Carrot 会给你一句赞美的话:“干得好!”
Go out of your way to assist him or her any chance you get.
Take a GPS with you when you go travelling, or you will lose your way in a strange place.
It is no good for you to require everything to go your way.
"You can go such a long way to make things that look professional but still have your own voice," she explained.
Also, don't assume the public knows what you know about RFID. Go out of your way to explain how you are safeguarding the public's privacy.
If you're lazy like me you can go about it the old-fashioned way: seduce your husband every night for about a week in the middle of your menstrual cycle.
If you're lazy like me, you can go about it the old-fashioned way: seduce your husband every night for about a week in the middle of your menstrual cycle.
Whether you want to go all the way to minimalistic living or you just want to simplify your life, you can find great tips and advice on this blog.
无论你是要成为一个极简主义者,还是仅仅想简化你的生活, 你都可以在这个博客上找到绝佳的技巧和建议。
Your attitude will go a long way in getting you the job.
If something doesn't go your way, for example if you get rejected by a girl that you really had your eye on for a while... don't EVER let it get you down.
And if a company says it's going green, he advises, it should go all the way: "you can't have your sales force drive hybrids while your management team drives Hummers."
Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way-now that you have come to your servant. very.
But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.
If you can make your point as well or better with words alone, that's probably the way to go.
This way all your energy will go into it and you will accomplish it perfectly.
Now, if you are someone with your retirement plans all set and ready to go, this article will be way too basic for you.
When you attend a conference, go out of your way to spend time with those who have questions for you.
In this case, you need to go back to the old way: deploy your plug-in or start a runtime workbench to load your code.
If you're in a hurry, you might nod curtly and be on your way; but you could decide to take your time, smile back and repeat the message before you go.
Your attitude at work and the way you treat people — even your mood — does not go unnoticed.
This process will go a long way in helping you expand your business horizons.
The worst case scenario is that I don’t help you in any way and you go back to your already awesome life.
The worst case scenario is that I don’t help you in any way and you go back to your already awesome life.