You can do this by taking a walk, reading a book, going to a concert or seeing a film, or just sitting in a private place and being silent for a moment.
Spend less than you earn: to gain wealth, you must spend less than you earn. Just consider the opposite for a moment: if you spend more than you earn, you are accumulating debt.
I'll be back in a moment, and if you need anything at all in the mean time, just wave at me!
But just a moment ago you were scared they might arrest you, I say.
In any breakup, there is this moment when a person who was a part of you just an instant ago becomes a surrealistically familiar stranger.
If you take action on every idea that seems good in the moment, you will very likely just dig yourself into a deeper hole.
Action step: Tomorrow morning before you start to scrape off your car, take a moment to just breathe.
"If you just give me a moment..." Mr Cardin says feebly, "I only have a few more slides..." The crowd is ever more restless.
Just think for a moment - do you carry stories of grievances?
Helps you disconnect, just for a moment from the busyness of the outside world and relieve any built of anxiety.
But if you'll just take a moment when you delegate the task, and give your employee some direction and training, it won't be long before she is able to do it as well as you.
You may not feel confident in using it in the moment, but that's just a matter of practice.
A soul inside, who loves you as no other could in the world? A spirit that would forgive all trespasses of prior wrongdoing for just a simple moment of your time?
At the moment, you can install the required components with just a few commands (see Listing 1).
If you can put aside your opinions about corporal punishment for just a moment, consider the impact of the balance between the punishment and the crime.
So, the next time your efforts don't produce the exact result you were hoping for, take a moment to analyze the value of what you have just learned.
Monitor your online and social networking behavior just like you would if you had a boss that could Google you at any moment.
Just a moment please Jeffery, do you want to order some food from the Cornershop?
杰弗里,你想在街角咖啡店点些吃的吗? C:要,等一下。
Joan: Just a moment, please. I'll check for you.
You sit in silence with him for a moment. Just staring into his eyes.
The main support page for each product contains a navigator that makes it easy to jump to just the information you need at the moment.
In fact, we have, and I want to read to you in just a moment a lengthy transcript of Plato's own account of why he came to write the Republic.
He thinks for a moment and then says, "I've got just the thing for you madam."
Sometimes though, you'll run into a problem you just cannot solve at the moment or do not have the time to deal with.
And I'd like for you to talk, if you would, for just a moment on the strengths and weakness on conglomerates and one or two examples of people who got it right and how did they get it right?
And I'd like for you to talk, if you would, for just a moment on the strengths and weakness on conglomerates and one or two examples of people who got it right and how did they get it right?