Did you lose money to those scammers?
If you carry a balance, you not only negate the benefit, you lose money.
Eventually you will grow to a point where you lose money and your business fails.
If you lose money, you are not a failure, because the value of life, not pocketbook.
If you lose money, you just lose money. If you lose trust, you lose both money and trust.
If you lose money, you don't calculate failure, because the value of life is not your pocketbook.
Suppose you lose money on two trades - now you are not permitted to have more than four open trades.
It ensures stable yields for you. Even if you lose money on it, at least you have satisfied your craving and it does not sound terrible.
The essence of this transaction is: lend us more money, or lose more money which you have already lent.
This is something where you can earn such a lot of money that there is not any risk that you will lose it.
If you center your life on money, you can lose it.
The deal on offer is: lend us more money, or lose most of the money you have already lent.
If you lose some money, don't sweat it.
Personally, bonds scare me to death: The big money you could lose if inflation takes off surely outweighs the more modest amounts you'll make in most other outcomes.
If you know nothing about stocks or you don't have a good stock broker, you could easily lose your money.
Be aware of your cash: you might find money; you might lose money.
The more interesting questions, though, are how much it costs you to add capacity, and whether there’s a certain number of requests above which you start to make or lose money.
If you never lose a thing again, think about how much time and money you've saved.
If your product selling cycle is longer than two years, you can expect to lose money on your ads — even if they're good — for the first four to six months.
That pretty much means you're guaranteed to lose money if you lock it up for the long term now.
If you wait to fire them, you'll run out of money, demoralize your top performers, and lose credibility.
"There are always people who will say that if you lose less money you are too clever," says one executive. "The proof [that we weren't betting against clients] is that we also lost money."
And when you're earning money, if you have a salary, it makes it easier to take risk because you know that if you lose the money you can go back and earn some more.
"I know you are asking all these questions because you are trying to start a business, " he said. "It's good money, you'll make a lot, but one day you will lose it all."
Third, why would anyone loan you this money in the first place, knowing that you have no chance of paying it back if disaster strikes, one of your teams wins, and you lose your entire stake?
You may save time and even money, but can lose a client in the process.
You may save time and even money, but can lose a client in the process.