It may seem old-school, but it's typically best to wear a clean,well-pressed suit whenever you meet with a potential employer.
Well ma'am since you are the finest, the most elegant model of the city, there must be something that sprinkles some magic portion in your success, is it the watch necklace that you always wear?
If you have any doubt about what you're about to say, do, or wear in an interview, well, it's probably best to skip it.
The greatest style lesson we can take away from Ms Moss? Wear whatever you damn well want, just wear it with a supermodel attitude.
This is a risk that is well worth taking when you reflect how much better it is to be bold than to wear a curly wig.
Well, it is sure to wear off eventually even if you work in gloves.
Well, you should wear a suit. I heard there's a sale at the shopping mall. Let's go check it out.
It is important to wear shoes that fit well so you can walk comfortably. Shoe color should coordinate with the color of your purse.
Christmas hat is a red hat, it is said that evening wear the sleeping in addition to have to sleep well and a little warm outside, the second day you will find the hat too much beloved gift.
Yes, some goggles allow you to put glasses in. I wear one from Bolle, and my glasses fit it very well.
Yes, some goggles allow you to put glasses in. I wear one from Bolle, and my glasses fit it very well.