If you are lying and want to disguise it, keep your eyes and your hands calm without seeming unnatural.
Pour hot water over them and place them on your eyes while lying down, while making sure that the water is not too hot, to help relieve the strain and relax the eyes.
Turn on some music and listen to a soothing song with your eyes closed while you are lying down.
If a person is lying they may feel you are scrutinizing them and they will look down at the floor or away from your eyes.
Don't read book lying in the bed for it will hurt your eyes.
Get into a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Then simply close your eyes taking a few moments to unwind.
I see your eyes round and round and know you are lying. Let me see what's wrong.
Having been running about for a whole day, what can be better than lying on a fluffy king-size bed and feasting your eyes on Shanghai's breathtaking night views?
Having been running about for a whole day, what can be better than lying on a fluffy king-size bed and feasting your eyes on Shanghai's breathtaking night views?