Yet all this could be at risk, says Louboutin’s lawyer, if Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), another fashion firm, continues to gain the upper hand in a legal dispute between the two companies.
不过Louboutin 的律师表示,如果伊夫圣罗兰时装公司在双方法律纠纷中继续占上风的话,Louboutin的好景可能不长了。
Yet all this could be at risk, says Louboutin’s lawyer, if Yves Saint Laurent (YSL), another fashion firm, continues to gain the upper hand in a legal dispute between the two companies.
不过Louboutin 的律师表示,如果伊夫圣罗兰时装公司在双方法律纠纷中继续占上风的话,Louboutin的好景可能不长了。