Natural slope usually has a zestier of strong unloading and a zestier of weak unloading and corresponding zone of strong (or weak) weathering, and there is integrity fresh rock in its inside.
The weathering crust of Majiagou Formation in Ordovician of Changqing Gasfield in Ordos Basin is the major pay zone with the evaporated marginal sea facies.
This paper has made a comprehensive analysis and demonstration to the mechanism of deformation and destruction of granite strong weathering zone in Shiju Port.
The buried-hills mainly develope two kinds of reservoir, one is related to the crust of weathering and karst zone, the other is to lithology.
古潜山主要发育风化壳岩溶带储层和内幕储层。 下古生界碳酸盐岩裂缝-溶蚀型储集层的发育特征以有无上古覆盖是岩溶发育的前提;
The porosity distribution is related to the basement faults, the lithofacies of the reservoirs and the weathering and leached zone.
The porosity distribution is related to the basement faults, the lithofacies of the reservoirs and the weathering and leached zone.