• 这个发现支持研究中指出人类使用潜意识化学信号进行交流观点。这项研究发表12月31日的《神经系统科学杂志》上。

    The findings bolster the idea that humans do communicate via subconscious chemical signals, notes Chen in her study, which was published in the Dec. 31 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.


  • 意味着如果使用大幅度躯体动作梦幻舞步,虽然看起来像是在卖弄,会满足女性潜意识渴望

    That means if you use big body movements and fancy footwork you may look like a show off but subconsciously women will desire you.


  • 问题在于,学者们一般认为信息作用潜意识的——这意味着即使我们真的使用进行交流,我们自己也不会知道

    Problem is, the effects of pheromones are thought to be subconscious - meaning that if we do communicate using them, we sure don't know it.


  • 记住与自由思维(意识)相比源自你头脑中的不同部位(潜意识),因此它们使用不同的语言

    Keep in mind that your dreams are coming from a different part of your mind (the subconscious) than your literal thoughts come from (the conscious), therefore they speak a different language.


  • 研究者使用功能磁共振成像技术(fMRI),这种技术能够显示正在使用大脑区域——就算大脑活动潜意识的也可以。

    The investigators used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a technique that reveals the brain regions a person is using at any given time - even if their brain activity is subconscious.


  • 使用必须专注大脑活动因为传感器不能读取人类的潜意识

    The user must concentrate to register activity because sensors are not yet sophisticated enough to read subconscious thoughts.


  • 以前那些潜意识推动让,们感到安全,可怜家伙很少,依赖思考推论直觉以及使用因果联系

    Thos regulating impulses which unconsciously led them to safety. The poor things were reduced to relying on thinking, inference, intuition and the connecting of use cause with effects.


  • 为此,进行了多种试验——她使用不同类型底层色,痕与痕,人为制造出一些光亮的玫瑰红斑点;总之,为了捕捉潜意识,她不惜任何代价——她自己的画像她的模特的画像。

    She experimented with different kinds of underpainting, scraped and rubbed, made bright rosy red spots; doing whatever had to be done to capture the subconscious-her own and that of her models.


  • 心理学家催眠师个人使用灵摆建立随着大脑潜意识通讯链路揭示人们认为忘记不知道信息

    Psychologists, Hypnotists and individuals use pendulums to create a link of communication with the subconscious mind to uncover information thought to be forgotten or unknown.


  • 如果他们使用消极语言就是好的暗示说谎者常用许多消极表达因为潜意识里他们撒谎行为感到惭愧。

    If they're using negative language, that's a good indicator as liars express a lot of negativity because they subconsciously feel bad about lying.


  • 阅读英语句子或者形式语言语句,你清楚这个句子使用的哪种结构(即使自然语言,你也潜意识里这么了)。

    When you read a sentence in English or a statement in a formal language, you have to figure out what the structure of the sentence is (although in a natural language you do this subconsciously).


  • 阅读英语句子或者形式语言语句,你清楚这个句子使用的哪种结构(即使自然语言,你也潜意识里这么了)。

    When you read a sentence in English or a statement in a formal language, you have to figure out what the structure of the sentence is (although in a natural language you do this subconsciously).


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