In 21st century, as the representative of Attention Economy, Internet Economy are flourishing.
Brand means productivity, cultural strength and competitive edge in knowledge economy and attention economy times.
The attention economy is by Gordon Harbo is one kind of network economy form which representative's one group of Western economist proposed.
And then focused on the IMC theory, CRM theory, attention to economic theory, Transference effect, for the latter laid the foundation for further study.
Attention economics is an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity, and applies economic theory to solve various information management problems.
This is author will study the application of Metcalfe Law in eyes economic, customer lock-in and customer expectation management, the accuracy of the value is square of customer number.
The war diverted people's attention away from the economic situation.
For the government, the war was a welcome diversion from the country's economic problems.
The Republicans' 2006 strategy has long been to divert voters' attention from the Iraq mess by highlighting the economy's strong overall performance.
Mr. Obama said voters want their leaders to focus on the economy and jobs.
US investors focused on the positives in what turned out to be a fairly mixed bag of economic releases.
With Lehman left dangling, official attention is now turning to putting more safeguards in place to soften the coming shock to markets and the economy.
Too many German leaders seem to take the economy's export orientation as immutable. Few even grasp the need to nudge it towards domestic spending.
In Venezuela bottles of whisky may be serving as both a store of value and as a diversion in an economy in deep trouble.
BILL CLINTON famously won election by concentrating voters' attention on the economy.
我们将注意力放在理解万维网(World WideWeb)经济上。
We were focused on understanding the economics of the World Wide Web.
在2005年他加入了一个名叫清醒者(les lucieds)的团体成为了其中的一员。 这个团体发布了一项宣言,号召人们将注意力放在许多社会问题和经济问题上,而在这些问题上该团体于“联盟”的观点不谋而合。
In 2005 he formed part of a group dubbed les lucides (the lucid ones) that issued a manifesto calling attention to many of the same socioeconomic issues that the Coalition has targeted.
Some economists say investors are shifting their attention back to the health of the global economy and a slowing demand for oil.
Economists knew a great deal, he said, but they had also forgotten a great deal and been distracted by a lot.
His advisers seem to have concluded that a climate bill was a non-starter given the parlous state of the economy, and concentrated on health care instead.
But if we are focusing purely on the business cycle, then shocks to the supply and demand for money (including expectations of future changes) are the primary determinant of the pace of recovery.
Some fear that the crash has shown the Celtic Tiger to have been a phantom, an illusionist’s trick that distracted Ireland from its underlying poverty with glitzy cars and big houses.
There was little other economic or corporate news Monday to divert attention away from Europe.
Now the euro zone's woes have diverted attention inward again.
Now the euro zone's woes have diverted attention inward again.