Finally, this paper discusses how different combinations of information governance and governance strategies affect the modes of bargain in organization.
But tough negotiations lie ahead in Congress over the next few days, as the Senate and the House of Representatives haggle over differences between the bills they passed.
So whatever his private views, he needs to take account of the impatience of Iraqis to see the back of the occupiers. He also needs to be seen to drive a hard bargain.
AFTER long days of discussions, disagreements, threats to leave and horse-trading the Copenhagen climate talks are set to end on Friday December 18th.
Dates become a series of business negotiations, often hard-nosed.
FOR months now European leaders have been striving to get on top of the euro-area debt crisis.
It often appears to the foreign negotiator that the American represents a large multi-million-dollar corporation that can afford to pay the price without bargaining further.
This will bring out an interesting outcome, i. e. content service provider in the second stage contracting will try to reduce its own bargaining power before the beginning of negotiation.
Finally, some people are simply looking to do business — buy or sell things, negotiate or bargain.
An actress is the product around which others negotiate, bargain, sell or reject.
Germans are hard bargainers. The lowest price and prompt delivery dates matter a lot to German negotiators.
We experimentally study the influence of bargaining power, defined by outside options, on negotiation outcomes.
On the market of bilateral monopoly structure, however, the prices of weapons, which are often more higher than ordinary level due to asymmetric information, are decided by negotiations or bargaining.
As the nation's young, mixed culture, language is also straightforward, fun loving, sometimes confusing negotiations, the bargaining difficult.
Multilateral negotiation based on the distribution of supply chain profit is discussed between one buyer and multiple suppliers who have different bargaining powers.
These groups recognize our eight terms as the basis for negotiations, but they want to bargain so that their losses will not be too great .
Analysts said that China's bargaining power in the negotiations was diminishing by the minute, warning that Beijing may need to accept a similar cut to other countries.
After an encouraging start, the negotiations deteriorate into a lengthy haggling session.
In the activities of enterprise acquisition and merger, price negotiation is a key link. Also it is a focus of bargain between parties.
But he did hint that Chinese negotiators might be tempted to raise their opening bid in the negotiations.
EXAMPLE: The two rival negotiators were polite but stubborn, and their intense discussions involved some real horse trading.
Business negotiation is the process of bargaining over a set of issues for the purposes of reaching an agreement.
A bargain to stop the fighting at Musa Qala, near Kajaki, has been particularly controversial.
A bargain to stop the fighting at Musa Qala, near Kajaki, has been particularly controversial.