The body was sealed in a lead coffin.
Witnesses to the opening of the coffin said the body appeared well-preserved - not in a state of decomposition that one would expect from a body buried 19 years earlier.
There you are, in the coffin, or in an urn, your body reduced to a husk of meant-to-be’s.
This stone, it was believed, had the rather revolting quality that if one made a coffin out of it, and laid a body inside, the stone itself would eat the dead in a matter of weeks.
I started designing for natural earth burials: where the body, dressed only in a shroud, is placed directly into the ground or into an eco-friendly coffin.
There you are, in the coffin, or in an urn, your body reduced to a husk of meant-to-be's.
When the body lay, dressed and washed, in the coffin on the table every one came to take leave of him, and every one cried.
His body will continue to live its normal span and usually goes out, in the eyes of the unknowing, the same way most bodies go out, via so-called death and coffin.
The old man's dead body had already been laid inside a wooden coffin in the hall.
Inside, the body of Khufu rested in a great stone coffin. His body was preserved to last forever, and many treasures were buried with him.
He goes to look inside and is mortified at what he sees: the body of a three year old little girl, laid out as though in a coffin.
He goes to look inside and is mortified at what he sees: the body of a three year old little girl, laid out as though in a coffin.