The total return on a bond investment realized if held to maturity .
Maturity, Yield to :The total return on a bond investment realized if held to maturity.
Based on all these affections, This article studies the questing-make a bond investment strategy for the commercial bank.
The rise in foreign reserves, accumulated through the MoF's heavy fx intervention in 2003, contributed to the increase in overseas bond investment, mounting to 32.6% of overall bond investment.
Basel rules will cause borrowers to move away from Banks and into bond markets, boosting debt-origination business for some investment Banks.
The boss of one European bank thinks the Basel rules will cause borrowers to move away from Banks and into bond markets, boosting debt-origination business for some investment Banks.
The second is to boost earnings at the investment bank by expanding again into some of the areas of business, such as bond trading, that felled it last year.
And they'd work to build up investment banking activities ranging from underwriting stock and bond offerings to selling packages of securitized mortgages, credit card receipts and car loans.
So a two-year bank CD or a Treasury inflation-protected security yielding around 2%, and short-term investment-grade bond funds at 2% plus, aren't the end of the world.
Xu Song: We think that is a good opportunity to present the bond market has long-term investment value.
As for investors, the bond market offers them another investment option.
AS INVESTMENT Banks toppled in the autumn of 2008, panic swept the corporate-bond market.
Most also expect to lose corporate customers to local bond markets and to have to build up their consumer - and investment-banking operations to compensate.
Investors relied far too much on the risk analysis coming from elsewhere in the investment decision process - mainly bond credit ratings.
They will immediately observe that the return on a bond (the coupon) is fixed, while the return on an equity investment (the company's earnings) can vary substantially from one year to another.
Mr Matthews hired a team from Drexel Burnham Lambert, the failed investment bank associated with Michael Milken, the junk bond king, and created AIG Financial Products (AIGFP).
马休雇佣了一个来自德崇证券(DrexelBurnham Lambert)的团队,并创建了AIG金融产品公司(AIGFP)。德崇证券是一家与垃圾债券之王迈克尔o米尔肯(MichaelMilken)相关的、破了产的投资银行。
The bond and real estate universes both have long traditions of classifying investment instruments according to their quality characteristics.
Lower corporate bond rates will encourage investment. And higher stock prices will boost consumer wealth and help increase confidence, which can also spur spending.
Once an investment banking company a GREes to market a bond or a stock issue, it takes full responsibility for selling the issue.
Once an investment banking company agrees to market a bond or a stock i ue, it takes full re o ibility for selling the i ue.
Boss of one European bank thinks the Basel rules will cause borrowers to move away from Banks and into bond markets, boosting debt-origination business for some investment Banks.
Article 21 The issuer shall report to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange its use of funds raised by RMB bond issuance, collection of loans and withdrawal of investment.
Article 21 The issuer shall report to the State Administration of Foreign Exchange its use of funds raised by RMB bond issuance, collection of loans and withdrawal of investment.