Further details and booking forms are available on request.
Then, suppose a customer walks into the agency where Bob is working and requests another booking; that customer's request is temporarily a higher priority.
Booking done as per your request.
Special positions are subject to availability. All guaranteed position might not be cancelled after confirmation. Special booking such as insert, advertorials are available upon request.
本刊有权保留广告客户要求的指定位置,广告客户之预订确认后不得取消; 其它特殊规格如插页、软性文章等等的价目,可向本刊查询。
Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Assistant Manager (Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre) Booking, whose address and telephone number are printed on this form.
Request for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Assistant Manager (Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre) Booking, whose address and telephone number are printed on this form.