Power and responsibility confusion will make work repetition, pretermission, and buck-passing.
The buck-passing has already started.
Between departments should strengthen coordination and cooperation, not buck-passing.
This may sound like buck-passing by the world's main international macroeconomic organisation.
The face of people's inertia and buck-passing between departments, and only by standing the company's point of view to consider the solution, is a more thorough solution.
In the process of handling customer complaint and inquiry, in case of refusal and buck-passing, the responsible department and persons shall be punished according to the assessment provisions.
In the meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.
Eventually those dollars will come home, they have to, as a function of math. In the meantime, passing the buck like a hot potato does not work.
Another feature focuses on buck passing, showing how often contacts shunt work on to others without offering any help.
If we indulge in passing the buck on somebody else's shoulders; it can really lead to unpleasant situations and consequences that might make us feel guilty in the end.
She would have hopelessly tried, being spun around by her case manager, counselor, unit manager all the way up to the warden, each one passing the buck, claiming it was so and so's responsibility.
Stop passing the buck. What is done is done. Better think what we can do to stop things getting worse.
The security structure in Northeast Asia, which has been instable since the end of the Cold War, is expounded in offensive realism, especially in the theory about balancing and buck? passing.
The manager is famous for passing the buck.
Passing the buck to me may help you but it isn't fair to me.
In AstraZeneca's view, not paying the recruitment bonus until after a probation period is tantamount to management passing the buck.
Colleagues should help each other, no buck passing phenomenon and engage in small groups. When our client visit our office, pay more attention to our client without chatting each other.
Colleagues should help each other, no buck passing phenomenon and engage in small groups. When our client visit our office, pay more attention to our client without chatting each other.