As you probably know, it's well used by younger people in our community, but unfortunately we're getting more and more reports of broken glass making it especially dangerous for younger children.
How do you ensure not only that you know the best practice approach but that the rest of the team does, as well?
It is best to admit that you do not like the change (as your staff may already know this), but state that you will actively support it and expect your staff to support it as well.
It will reinforce those things that you already know you should be doing (but which you don't always do), remind you of a few things you've forgotten, and teach you a few new things as well.
We all know chocolate tastes good, but did you know it has emotional and physical benefits as well?
But you know other writers other poets novelists actors stage actors they're all important as well.
But you know, other writers, other poets, novelists, actors, stage actors, they're all important as well.
If you have children, you might pick your child's beloved face, but you can choose anyone you see on a daily basis, as long as it's someone whose face you know well.
There were so many interesting items, but I only made one purchase this day, and though I know you would all like one as well, this is for me.
Asking for help is not something to be ashamed of - you simply admit that you do not know something well enough as of yet, but that you are willing to learn it and grow as a person!
I don't know if you had a chance to see it, but Darcy left a really good question in the comments under 5 Reasons you Might as Well Be Authentic.
And I say, 'Well, I know we are more talented than you are, but not as much as that.'
But, of course, as you know very well, there was' t any other lion! It was only the reflection in the water!
But there's a mortgage and car payments as well. V: You know what?
We know it's not customary to exchange New Year's Eve gifts, but we couldn't help but get you a little something for the holiday. Well, erm, we didn't so much get it as bring it to your attention.
You may have the greatest company in the world. But if you don't know how to convey that to customers, you may as well not exist.
Pierre: Mais oui, but you know the story as well?
I know that it will be very difficult for you to accept my apology, but I want you to think about our friendship as well.
Well, you can think what you want, but have you talked to him lately? Do you know him as he is now?
"Followed by five, injured two, might've killed one," Kingsley reeled off, "and we saw You-Know-Who as well, he joined the chase halfway through but vanished pretty quickly."
But I will not say when as you very well know.
The Wenzhou dialect may sound like Japanese to you, but even if you cannot understand a word of it, you know as well as its speaker's do that it is Chinese.
But you should also know that you are envied by me as well.
But did you know there's a noun form of this slang term as well?
I do not know where you are, but I know that now you walk all night as well.
Tom: well, as you know, I'm a big of food so I might travel the world as well, but for different reasons.
Tom: well, as you know, I'm a big of food so I might travel the world as well, but for different reasons.