It opens with the reminder: All grown-ups were once children but few of them remember it.
But few of them had actually dug up any ore.
But few of those are presently found in the Arctic.
They planted a few trees, but few of them are alive.
Most of us do it, but few of us will admit to it.
But few of us would say no to Tencent's 235% growth either.
But few of Benghazi's people are brave enough to fly it on their houses.
There are many reasons I think, but few of them have very much to do with wild pandas.
Almost everyone knows that we should learn English well, but few of us know how to learn it well.
We are each becoming archivists of our lives, but few of us have training in how to manage an archive.
Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.
It's about quantity not quality: we can have many people to do the job for us, but few of them have the inherent skills to do it well.
To varyingdegrees, we all have secrets which we do not want evenour closest friends tolearn, but few of us have skeletons in the cupboard.
我们在不同程度上艘有一些甚至连最亲密的朋友也不想让他们知道的秘密,但是却极少有人有橱中骷髅。 。
To varying degrees, we all have secrets which we do not want even our closest friends to learn, but few of us have skeletons in the cupboard.
Westerners have long enjoyed exploring the "mysterious Orient", but few of us in the Orient have had a real taste of the "mysterious Occident".
Most people can get on board with the idea of lifelong learning, but few of us really commit to making learning a regular, focused part of our lives.
But few of the 30,000 Colombians who used to cross each day to shop do so now, because Venezuela's National Guard confiscates their goods when they recross the border, says Mr Uribe, the shopkeeper.
但是,过去每天越过边界到商店采买的三万名哥伦比亚人民,现在仅有少数还愿意来,因为当他们要回去时,边境上的委内瑞拉国家卫队会没收他们的货物,店主jose Nelson Uribe表示。
But few of the 30, 000 Colombians who used to cross each day to shop do so now, because Venezuela's National Guard confiscates their goods when they recross the border, says Mr Uribe, the shopkeeper.
但是,过去每天越过边界到商店采买的三万名哥伦比亚人民,现在仅有少数还愿意来,因为当他们要回去时,边境上的委内瑞拉国家卫队会没收他们的货物,店主jose Nelson Uribe表示。
We've had a few problems in our marriage, but we're both determined to make a go of it.
The Lapita left precious few clues about themselves, but Efate expands the volume of data available to researchers dramatically.
Many people enjoy eating fried eel, but few stop to think about the life of this unique fish.
I found, as Hacker observed years before, that most wives want their husbands to be, first and foremost, conversational partners, but few husbands share this expectation of their wives.
After days, many of the cells had died, but a few continued to grow and divide.
The locally manufactured wheelbarrows were still too expensive for all but a few of the households.
The beaches are beautiful, but, best of all , there are very few tourists.
I made a few enquiries, but nothing came of it in the end.
I made a few enquiries, but nothing came of it in the end.