There had been a revival, and everybody had got religion, not only the adults, but even the boys and girls.
Nearly three-quarters of five-year-old girls (74%) could write a simple shopping list, or a letter to Father Christmas, but only half of boys (54%) could do so at the same age.
PERTH, Australia, Dec. 20 (UPI) — Breastfeeding for six months or longer is linked to better grades at age 10, but only in boys, Australian researchers say.
Not only do teachers praise her, girls admire her, but boys love her as well.
Probably, but they currently survive only because the big boys don’t see them as a threat.
Not only boys but also girls are invited to the party.
But for us, those boys in Vietnam whom the country is supposed to support, this is a terrible distortion from which we draw only the deepest revulsion.
Two groups of 12-year-old boys were taken to a boy Scouts camp, but neither group knew of the other's existence and believed that their group was the only group in the camp.
Not only do girls start speaking earlier than boys but a three-year-old girl has nearly twice the vocabulary of a three-year-old boy, with her speech almost 100% comprehensible.
The Rankin "boys", only two years apart in age, had once been inseparable, but had fallen out over a racehorse they had inherited from their widower father.
But there is one grim exception. In 2011 India counted only 914 girls aged six and under for every 1,000 boys.
He himself not only helped do some paperwork but also purchased grills for boys to toast potatoes and combs for girls who were dying to get one.
Eg: Not only Tom but also many other boys enjoy reading the book.
When we go down the street, if we take a notice on the couples, we may find that besides those young girls, there are not only young boys, but also Da Shu.
Not only is the vastness of the terrain unsettling, but many of the boys are living around animals for the first time.
The two boys got off with only a warning, but the judge sent the man to prison.
They say it is important to educate not only females but also boys and men about this issue.
There were several other boys who worked with me, but I was the only one who had been to school.
All of the boys took oranges, but only Mike took the rap.
But girls everywhere are beginning to catch up. Across the emerging world, 78% of them are now at primary school, an only slightly smaller proportion than boys (82%).
She is sassy and confident but there is a vulnerability there that only one of the boys will see.
Among the yelling crowds were not only young boys and girls, but also many hoary-headed old professors.
Rita : But I've never given you one of those. So that's what you do on those boys-only holidays? Don't rub me up the wrong way.
The boys are afraid of the beast, but only Simon reaches the realization that they fear the beast because it exists within each of them.
The first time I went to this college I was disappointed, because I was always expecting a romantic love story. But in this only has few boys school, I thought I will not have suitors.
The first time I went to this college I was disappointed, because I was always expecting a romantic love story. But in this only has few boys school, I thought I will not have suitors.