But she knew that was only because, like Peter the Great in a shipwright's yard, he was studying what he wanted to know.
"As best we know, she had made a fair number of friends, but only in the last week," Beisecker said.
Absolutely, but I must choose to forgive, because only then can she know that she is truly loved.
We’d like to know what kind of pressure she can exert, but since nobody’s bothered to put a meter in there to find out, we can only imagine.
I am going to let my wife know just how loved and appreciated she is, not only by my words, but also by my actions.
She had no way to know that I was not only putting off this visit, but avoiding it.
"I don't know, but they only gave us our schedule one month in advance," she shrugged, "a lot of people had problems coming here with their flights."
"But then, " she admitted, "I don't know about the younger generation, because when we were younger we were only allowed a very limited stipend."
I know that my mother want to stay with us, But now she can only stay there herself.
We stopped there, and someone who did not know her very well would have thought it was over, but I knew this was only a pause so that she could catch her breath.
She not only failed to recognise the Rostovs and Dimmler, but did not even know her own daughters, or identify the masculine dressing-gowns and uniforms in which they were disguised.
She would laugh you can only say that in the future and not know how to take things to have, but also because you have to say is that too many commitments, so you just left.
She only knew Xi Shi's frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty.
But I think you should know that you were the only man she really cared since you two first met.
She is not very bright, but the only completely good person I know. Maybe you have to have a fairly low I. Q. to remain unspotted from the world.
Only for the palace people of course - but then you know, dear (here she tittered a little) we almost are palace people. I say, it is lucky for you that you came to me.
I grieved not only for the upcoming loss of my mother, but also that she and my baby would never know each other.
Like, I would fix things for her, but... you know, only in the middle of the night when she was asleep, or when... she was out.
She tries to keep cheerful and hopes she's getting better, but we all know it's only a matter of time before she dies.
She tries to keep cheerful and hopes she's getting better, but we all know it's only a matter of time before she dies.