To use voice capabilities, you have to buy credits from GTalk2VoIP site.
Typically you can pre-buy credits and then just download images when you need them.
On Alibaba's Taobao shopping app, people can also buy groceries, buy credits for online games, scan coupons and find deals at stores nearby.
Over 70% of Facebook's users fall into that category, and having a globally-available payment system lowers the barriers for people to buy credits.
Britons might have to buy extra carbon trading credits to take more than a couple of flights a year, says Conservative green thinker Tim Yeo.
And EU nations will be allowed to buy in credits for emissions reductions far from Europe, and count them against as much as 90% of their national reduction targets.
People who fly more than that would have to buy carbon credits on the equivalent of a credit card.
Perhaps most importantly, users can buy Deals using Facebook Credits, paving a smooth path between a virtual currency and real-world goods and services.
You'll soon have 20 new ways to buy your Facebook Credits today, as Facebook has selected PlaySpan's Ultimate Pay as an additional payment provider.
The company will also be using PayPal to allow users to buy Facebook Credits, which can be used to purchase virtual goods and gifts.
Making it easier for those outside the U.S. to buy Facebook Credits is a smart move for Facebook.
With a credit card, with PayPal or with Facebook Credits, Facebook's own currency that, for the first time, will be used to buy real-world goods.
Facebook credits can be used to buy virtual gifts - such as cupcakes, toys and flowers - from the Facebook gift Shop.
Right now, more than 400 games and applications use Facebook Credits to give people a convenient and safe way to buy virtual and digital goods on Facebook.
Beginning in 2012, the biggest polluters among the airlines will be required to buy extra credits to "pay" for their carbon dioxide emissions, and the cost will have to be passed on to travelers.
Some French sources say their plan would involve highly polluting foreign steelmakers, for example, having to buy EU carbon-emissions credits.
If your buyers are not going to be able to get credits from the Banks, they are not going to be able to even buy the crude.
Who would buy its subprime credits?
Buy unlocked cars from many manufacturers with the credits you earn from participating in events.
For organizations that are concerned about carbon credits, what about if you buy carbon off-sets?
You should save your credits and just buy a win, because it won't happen with skill ;
You should save your credits and just buy a win, because it won't happen with skill ;