We have no chance of competing against machines on frequent high-volume tasks, but there are things we can do that machines cannot.
A new plant will spring up wherever a seed falls on a suitable soil surface, but because they do not build big bodies, they cannot compete with other plants for space, water, or sunlight.
We know they cannot win, but if they do win sometimes, it's even funnier.
Smoking cannot lower the pressure but only to do harm both to own health and to that of people around you.
You cannot do this job but you can do many others.
But there is one thing they cannot do: make Russia safer and better governed.
Most of us think we cannot do this or that, but in truth we are afraid of letting ourselves down or failing at our goals.
Yet he's done this not to excuse inaction, but to remind the country that he cannot do everything he wants to do... just yet.
Central Banks have their role to play in restoring the world to health, but they cannot do it alone.
This means, for example, that you can close a connection as a B2BUA by generating a BYE message, but you cannot do so as a proxy.
But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.
These are things I cannot know. But there are also some things I do know.
Women who hate housework, but cannot persuade their husbands or boyfriends to do it, could be helped by one compelling argument.
If you are in the market for a new smartphone and considering an Android based phone, congrats, because there is not much that Android cannot do, but here's some quick buying advice.
In Figure 3, I would like to fully connect five bubbles but cannot do so without having at least two lines cross each other.
在图3 中,我想将5个框全部连接起来,但如果不使至少两条线相交就无法做到这一点。 您可以看到,我没有其它方法将框3 和 5连接起来。
dt If you divide both sides by dt, which mathematicians cannot do, but physicists can, then you get /dt=ds/dt d theta/dt equals ds/dt, and v/l that is the velocity divided by l.
(Remember that you cannot do joins with these queries, but I can still search with Numbers.)
It sucks to say this, but everyone cannot do it.
But even if small firms cannot do it all themselves, their business models may be instructive.
But this acknowledgment cannot obscure the fact that markets do these things more efficiently and effectively than politicians do.
Mr Napolitano may call on Mr Berlusconi to step down, but he cannot force him to do so.
We are proud of our leadership in the fight against global AIDS, but we cannot do it alone.
In our experience, organizations often realize that they need to do something, but cannot always pinpoint the urgency specifically.
They cannot control the level of future returns but they can do something about costs.
A problem arises when someone easily understands how to use an object, but cannot execute the action required to do so.
But what we cannot do, what we must not do, is to allow our generosity and our concern for others to fall victim to today's crisis.
Whenever I do... I cannot but feel sad.
Whenever I do... I cannot but feel sad.