Imagine the carnage if they ever escaped their cages.
Characterized by bloodshed and carnage for both sides.
In those days the carnage and her husband have associated?
This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.
Take it as you will: a smorgasbord of vehicular carnage or a condensed physics lesson.
Most of the carnage came two hours later, in a different building filled with classrooms.
To speak of "American carnage" is to deploy the dangerous lexicon of blood, soil and nation.
She patiently explained to me that, no, it would be very bad because of all the carnage and chaos.
When was the last time you heard an anti-nuclear campaigner drawing attention to this daily carnage?
When they confronted the next tribe, the Kaibabs, they brought an emissary back to view the carnage.
The young man was Henry Dunant who witnesses the carnage following the Battle of Solferino, in Italy.
The Dow lost 127 points at today's close. But it was an up week for the markets after last week's carnage.
Syria and Iraq recalled their Ambassadors after the row and Damascus denied playing any role in the carnage.
If you wanted, you could create an influence map that penalized squares where lots of carnage is taking place.
But countries that want to avoid unnecessary corporate carnage would nevertheless be foolish to ignore the American example.
The comparison most often used is that of the automobile, another lethal object that is regularly used to wreak great carnage.
Two Indians accused of helping to plot the carnage, Fahim Ansari and Sabaauddin Ahmed, were acquitted due to lack of evidence.
If they all fled for the exit at once, dumping assets and stopping lending, the result would be carnage both at home and abroad.
The doors were locked and I had to enter through awindow, causing some carnage to a nearby table bearing a pair ofTiffany lamps.
This is low-tech and unsophisticated, but it can cause enough carnage to make a significant impact on the American consciousness.
Morgan Stanley expects bond carnage as this catches up with the Fed, predicting that yields on US Treasuries will rocket to 5.5pc.
They intended to cause carnage through a series of co-ordinated explosions and bring terror into the lives of people around the globe.
And though Farmar took home an ugly plus-minus for the quarter (minus-7), the carnage would have been much worse without his contribution.
虽然砝码尔在在这一节带回了丑陋的评价(- 7),如果没有他的贡献,这一节的屠戮将更加糟糕。
When they finally made it into the airport, he said, he and the other passengers were led past sheets of blue plastic, which hid signs of the carnage.
The Tangshan Earthquake registered about 8 on the Richter scale; an aftershock registering 7.1 occurred less than a day later, adding to the carnage.
The Tangshan Earthquake registered about 8 on the Richter scale; an aftershock registering 7.1 occurred less than a day later, adding to the carnage.