To make matters worse, you can't pay for foreign apps using your Amex card or carrier billing.
One of the biggest reasons benefits of a carrier-linked app marketplace would be carrier billing.
Technology has changed direct carrier billing to where it is a game-winning basket for consumers.
App stores for Blackberry, Firefox, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla all support direct carrier billing.
More than 60 mobile operators in 15 countries - including all those in the UK - are compliant with the system's carrier billing.
That trend will continue and has the potential to generate significant revenue for both the third-party vendors enabling director carrier billing and the mobile operators themselves.
And while direct carrier billing remains in the realm of digital content such as games, music and movies, it is starting to have some real-world applications such as parking and event tickets.
And while direct carrier billing remains in the realm of digital content such as games, music and movies, it is starting to have some real-world applications such as parking and event tickets.