Women are more likely to give priority to child care and education policies.
WHO's first ever list of priority medicines for maternal and child health recommends to countries which medicines are most important for saving lives.
Which child should get priority?
Read to your child often and place books where your child can access them. Select a regular time each day to read to her and make it a priority.
March 2011 - WHO's first ever list of priority medicines for maternal and child health recommends to countries which medicines are most important for saving lives.
The highest priority, Sir Michael suggests, is to ensure that every child has a good start in life by concentrating on poorer children during their earliest years.
Under these circumstances, child education is for many families more luxury than priority.
When you look at the process table again, you'll see that the priority of this process has changed from its default as well as the child process that was forked from it (ps).
当您再次使用 ps查看进程表时,您将看到,对于这个进程以及它通过 fork 系统调用创建的子进程,它们的优先级都不再是缺省值。
Priority is being given to prevention and equity through strengthening public health interventions in health surveillance, disease control, and maternal and child health.
Article 18 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.
Is your child the type who thrives in classes with small-group discussions where active participation and hands-on learning take priority? Then your child might want to consider a small college.
Nellie's first priority is her child, so she works on the business when her baby is sleeping or dosen't need sttention. So far her business is doing great.
Article 17 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.
Article 17 Where a spouse places out a minor child for adoption after the death of the other spouse, the parents of the deceased shall have the priority in rearing the child.