Chirped fiber grating can be used in compensating fiber dispersion and compressing pulse.
The linearity and smoothness of the time delay curve for a linearly chirped fiber grating are two k…
The apodized linear chirped fiber grating is an important passive device for dispersion compensation.
The thesis is helpful for the design and facture of a linearly chirped fiber grating as dispersion compensator.
On the basis of the transfer matrix theory, the authors have studied the transmission properties of the sampled chirped fiber grating.
That dispersion is compensated with linearly chirped fiber grating is analyzed qualively and its characteristic and limitations are discussed.
An optical pulse compressor using a normal dispersion fiber combined with a linearly chirped fiber grating (instead of a block grating pair) is proposed.
A new fiber grating dynamic dispersion compensator is developed by using the stain-tuning technology of the chirped fiber grating and the close-loop controlling scheme.
In the third chapter, the reason of pulse broadened and the importance of dispersion compensation are pointed out, and the dispersion of linearly chirped fiber grating is appraised.
By using the chirped fiber grating, theoretically study and numerical simulation have been made on the compensating dispersion property of chirped super Gaussian pulses transmitting in the fiber.
The research on large chirped fiber Bragg grating is an important part of researches about the fiber grating devices.
The research on large chirped fiber Bragg grating (LCBG) is an important part of researches about the fiber grating devices.
A simple and novel method for transforming a uniform fiber grating into a linearly chirped grating is presented.
This paper introduce a novel fabrication of the helical chirped Bragg fiber grating (H-CFBG) and the coupling theory and dispersion compensation ability is analyzed.
本文介绍了一种螺旋型啁啾光纤光栅(H -CFBG)的制造方法,并且从理论上分析了它的耦合方程以及对它的色散补偿分析。
In order to decrease polarization mode dispersion (PMD) of chirped fiber Bragg grating, a novel method, which is called polarization mode dispersion-compensation written technique, has been developed.
A tunable cascaded microwave photonic filter based on Chirped Fiber Bragged Grating (CFBG) is presented.
A tunable cascaded microwave photonic filter based on Chirped Fiber Bragged Grating (CFBG) is presented.