Christmas crackers with a gift and a riddle inside.
Candy Fireworks, Festival Crackers, Christmas Crackers.
糖果烟花,喜庆手 …
Piotr was amazed to find himself noticing the sleeve belts on her raincoat-how they gathered the cuffs, like Christmas crackers.
After presents are opened on Christmas morning, preparations are quickly underway for the Christmas lunch where the whole family will gather and eat the Christmas Crackers.
They are now selling musical Christmas CARDS and crackers.
Hikkaduwa was celebrating Christmas with all the trimmings. Disco music mingled with laughter, fire crackers burst intermittently.
Andy Park, 47 - who is known as Mr Christmas - has eaten Christmas dinner every day for the past 17 years, says the Orange News website. He admits that his friends think he's crackers.
据橙色新闻报道,47岁的AndyPark,被称为“圣诞先生”,在过去的17年里每天都要吃圣诞大餐,Andy Park坦言,朋友们认为他精神错乱。
For the dinner, the table is decorated with candles and crackers, all the family gather to enjoy with a traditional Christmas dinner.
It's just a bunch of tacky Christmas ornaments, Cd's of old people singing Christmas songs, and special crackers and cheeses and boxes of chocolates.
The cracker was soon adopted as a traditional festive custom and today virtually every household has at least one box of crackers to pull over Christmas.
The cracker was soon adopted as a traditional festive custom and today virtually every household has at least one box of crackers to pull over Christmas.