though it has not attracted much public clucking.
Just then he heard a hen clucking. He knew that hen was brown.
In classic barnyard fashion, it was scratching, pecking and clucking.
To make clucking or clicking sounds with the lips, as in urging on a horse.
But they start dancing and flapping their arms like clucking chickens and as the chorus starts, the language of the lyrics sound mostly like barnyard noises as they squawk.
Butt they start dancing and flapping their arms like clucking chickens and as the chorus starts, the language of the lyrics sound mostly like barnyard noises as they squawk.
I had been looking forward to going out with Urmat to herd the sheep at sundown, so I am disappointed when he merely stands outside his yurt making clucking, yodelling sounds through cupped hands.
I had been looking forward to going out with Urmat to herd the sheep at sundown, so I am disappointed when he merely stands outside his yurt making clucking, yodelling sounds through cupped hands.