Contrast this with a client application where one side of the connection is a message channel agent and the other is application code.
Channel requests relay information such as the exit code of a server-side process.
The listener and channel configurations to run the sample code are provided in the next section.
When the loop is finished, the code will have a fully populated Channel object and a list of fully populated Item objects.
Generate an inbound channel for the service and deployed code.
Cell broadcast messages are classified by topic and allocated a channel number, message code, update number, and language.
The first time we ran the channel verifier across the code base and we found an obscure bug in the web server.
The channel framework runtime code will recognize the presence of old the HTTPTransport configuration and issue a warning message in the logs to indicate that the configuration should be upgraded.
The above code explicitly opens php://stdout as an output channel, and php://output generally acts the same way as php://stdout.
以上代码将把php://stdout作为输出通道显式打开,并且 php://output通常以与 php://stdout相同的方法运行。
As its name indicates, FixedDelayInt passes data coming in through its input channel onto its output channel after a fixed delay — one second in the example code.
Channel exits are user code that is run at defined points in the life cycle of a WebSphere MQ channel.
For example, the trace group "ChannelFrameworkService" traces both the channel framework component code, as well as the run time code that interacts with the channel framework.
Code cooperation is a kind of new user cooperation scheme for wireless communications, where cooperation is achieved through channel coding methods.
Open the check-in notes channel and fill in comments for the check-in notes for the code reviewer security reviewer and performance reviewer.
Distribution channel: For trackingsegmentation the correct DIS code should be recorded, if it is not an electronic booking. For other segmentationtypes the source of the booking should be mentioned.
In the above code, you declare that your document will have a root element called RSS and that this element will have a child element called channel.
Also in the previous code snippet, the OperationContext has been used to set up the communication channel between the client and the WS-Resource.
在前面的代码片段中,OperationContext用于建立客户机和WS - Resource之间的信道。
Each Channel that has to service client requests must first create a connection. The code below creates a ServerSocketChannel called Server and binds it to a local port.
It consists of a channel equalizer and code matched filter. The equalization algorithm is based on zero forcing (ZF) criterion.
The tool has the system source code as input, and has the covert channel sequence as output, which implements the automation of covert channel identification.
In this paper, by combining the subspace method with layered space-time codes, we propose a vertical layered space-time code and accomplish the channel estimation without the training symbols.
Open the check-in notes channel and fill in comments for the check-in notes for the code reviewer security reviewer and performance reviewer .
Space-time trellis code combining space diversity with code and modulation, can improve efficiency and reliability of communication system in wireless channel efficiently.
The parameters include generator polynomial of component codes, interleave length and the type of interleavers, iterative decoding algorithms and iteration number, code rates and channel models et al.
To overcome the signal distortion caused Crosstalk code, we must increase the equalizer in the receiver to compensate channel properties send resume correct sequence.
Differential unitary space-time code(DUSTC) keeps good performance in rapidly fading channels when neither the transmitter nor the receiver knows the channel state information.
Then it researches the different kinds of channel codec in DVB-H system, including pseudo random code, RS code, punctured convolutional code and interleaving.
论文重点研究了DVB - H系统中各个信道编码,包括伪随机码,RS码,压缩卷积码和内外交织的编解码算法。
The free time grouping code accurate static state declines the Rayleigh channel multi- transmitting antenna to accept the antenna performance simulation much, matlab, Communication.
The car was posted on the ticket, printed with two-dimensional code fast payment channel.
The car was posted on the ticket, printed with two-dimensional code fast payment channel.