Meanwhile, Dutch banking and insurance company ing said it would narrow its market reach and cull its activities to cut costs in 2009.
Obviously, it makes sense for the business side and the it side of any company to operate from the same set of priorities, especially when the business environment is as complex as it is in banking.
Both banking and health insurance could be either a software company or a non-software company depending upon how they are structured.
Banking and health insurance in the United States are both examples of this grey area company.
A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and the Stanford graduate School of Business, Mrs. Powell Jobs worked in investment banking before founding a natural foods company.
"Dual-income customers should definitely buy a home now," says George Kaiser, vice president of banking operations for Northbrook Bank and Trust and West America Mortgage Co., its sister company.
“双职工确定无疑地应该买房。” 甚为诺斯布鲁克执行副总裁和其姐妹公司信西美国信贷公司乔治·凯瑟说。
In a complex operation which it hopes to close before August, it will inject its banking business into its listed holding company, Criteria.
在一次复杂的操作(LaCaixa希望在8月前完成)中,La Caixa将其银行业务注入到它的控股上市公司Criteria。
Companies that excel in those areas are also the main targets of mergers and acquisitions, said Jean Stack, senior vice President of Houlihan Lokey, an investment banking company.
这些领域的优秀公司也会是合并和采办的主要目标,一家投资银行公司Houlihan Lokey的高级副总裁JeanStack说。
Mobile banking company ClairMail raises another $13.8 million earlier this month, bringing the total funds raised to date to about $34.1 million.
本月早些时候,手机银行业务公司Clair Mail再次筹得1,380万美元,将总融资额提高至3,410万美元。
Adams left banking when his then-boss "told me the company already had too many generic white guys in senior management, and promoting me would only make things worse."
Second, the company is heavily reliant on the existing card association and banking infrastructure.
On October 26th it was announced that Barclays, another big bank, is to buy the mortgage-banking operations of Standard Life, an insurance company.
RIM is banking on phones running the BBX operating system to save the company, but those aren't coming until next year.
Since UBS's woes began to surface last year, there has been persistent speculation that the company would split off or sell its investment-banking division to protect its wealth-management operation.
Windows: The company is banking on a new operating system to break out of its slump.
Goldman Sachs converted to bank holding company status only last fall so it could gain access to cheap money from the Federal Reserve. It has a negligible retail banking presence.
I majored in international banking at college so I took many insurance courses. And I worked at an insurance company for my graduation field work.
That tech company she works for, they make banking software.
I majored in international banking at college so I took many insurance courses. And I worked at an insurance company for my graduation field work.
I majored in international banking at college so I took many insurance courses. And I worked at an appliance coverage company for my graduation field work.
The company formerly belonged to an international banking group.
"Bank" means a person engaged in the business of banking and includes a savings bank, savings and loan association, credit union, and trust company.
Since then, the original core business of Fortis Benelux banking and insurance business with a listed company has been missed.
Goldman Sachs Group, the international investment banking company, has launched a new program to provide ten thousand poor women with business education.
You do not need a brokerage firm or investment banking firm to take your company public.
You do not need a brokerage firm or investment banking firm to take your company public.