In a 2012 study published in the magazine Nature Neuroscience, for example, Israeli researchers found that people can learn to connect sounds with smells during sleep.
Learn more about Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM), which provides integrations across Jazz-based applications, to connect the work of analysts with development and test teams.
With Shazam you can identify music tracks, store them, and buy them; plus you can learn more about the artist and connect to their MySpace page.
Getting out there as an ambassador of sorts in the world helps you connect with others who may want to learn more about your culture but otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity.
If you guys want to learn more about how to connect better I suggest picking up a book called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success and The Art of Happiness.
Relationships allow me to connect with others to get new ideas and learn more about myself through conversation.
What you've learn so far helps us start our journey to understanding just what DB2 Connect really is.
至此,您所学到的知识可以帮助我们开始理解DB 2Connect实际上是什么。
In this article, you'll learn how to connect such entities to the SIBus.
Direct connections between Dell and customers - listen, learn and engage in direct connections with customers (There are ~ 100 Dell employees using Twitter to connect with customers).
Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something they are interested in.
Just as a diplomat would learn about a culture's customs before a visit, learn as much as you can before you try to connect with a customer, peer, or potential partner.
Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.
To enable them to derive inspiration from local activists and perhaps connect with them, learn from their work or be motivated to look up their resources.
The meeting offers many networking events that will allow you to connect with colleagues and interact with leaders in the field to learn and share your ideas.
Getting gout there as an ambassador of sorts in the world helps you connect with others whomay want to learn more about your culture but otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity.
像世界各地的大使一样到处游览,可以帮助你建立与他人的联系,那些人可能希望更多地了解你的文化,但却没有机会。 。
You should learn to choose the right things to say, so you can answer the question in a way that allows people to connect with you and remember you.
Then day by day, we know how to connect a sound or an utterance with certain solid existences beside us, till we learn how to speak them.
Maybe you want to lighten up a sales presentation. You can learn ways to administer a dose of laughter to help you connect and communicate.
There is a world of people out there to connect with, to learn from and to engage with.
Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.
Mindfulness can help you learn to catch yourself before you overstep appropriate limits, and connect with your deeper feelings so you can deal with them directly.
According to schema theory, when people try to learn new things, they need to connect acquired concepts and past experience (background knowledge) with new things.
They will learn to connect examples with categories, to distinguish processes of observation, interpretation, and critique, and to represent these processes through their own writing.
They will learn to connect examples with categories, to distinguish processes of observation, interpretation, and critique, and to represent these processes through their own writing.