Ask yourself if this is an issue for you, a family member or friend, then consider what you can do to get help.
It's a two-way street so please take a moment to consider what you can do to influence your relationship with the boss.
If you like the work and pinpoint other issues as the problem, consider what you can do to resolve these problems before you quit your job.
But consider what the extra time can do for you.
Is uniqueness an asset or liability? Can you accept others when they behave differently from what you consider to be the norm? Do you love your own uniqueness?
Consider the challenges a blended family may pose for your child - and what you can do to overcome these hurdles as you build a new life together.
请考虑一下混合型家庭给你的孩子带来的挑战吧- - -当你们一起建立新生活的时候,为了解决这些障碍,你可以做些什么呢?
Try to avoid making decisions under pressure so that you can consider what you should do.
Consider this guide to children and TV, including what you can do to keep your child's screen time in check.
With the existing partition data and information about what you can do with your current file systems in hand, you can begin planning your new layout. You should consider several important factors.
If not, please consider some of the following reasons why communication can go sour in your relationship. More important, what can you do to solve these problems?
What can you do to be ready to seize new opportunities? Consider the following skills upgrades?
Consider a second pattern of focus that affects the quality of your life: Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you can't?
What qualities in your character do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Can you give examples of how you have benefited from these strengths in your work?
What qualities in your character do you consider to be your greatest strengths? Can you give examples of how you have benefited from these strengths in your work?
What is wrong with love?You really can do against us?You guys Why do people consider themselves aloof from worldly affairs? …
What is wrong with love?You really can do against us?You guys Why do people consider themselves aloof from worldly affairs? …