The Federal Reserve's 2007 study of consumer finances found that almost half of households headed by someone 65 to 74 years old had a mortgage, and 37% carried credit-card balances.
To this end, it will set up a powerful consumer financial protection bureau, with powers to clamp down on abusive practices by credit card companies and mortgage lenders.
Through setting up housing consumer credit norms, defining proportion and mark standard, provides decision basis for commercial bank decided housing mortgage loan.
Consumer credit is a personal and family used to meet personal needs (except real estate mortgage) credit, and credit the opposite.
Rising unemployment threatens to deepen the housing slump, further depress mortgage debt and increase delinquencies on car loans, credit CARDS and other consumer loans.
Rising unemployment threatens to deepen the housing slump, further depress mortgage debt and increase delinquencies on car loans, credit CARDS and other consumer loans.